EFT TapFest

Your Globally Conscious Tapping Community

For many people, the holidays can be a very difficult time. There are myriad reasons for this. For those who have lost a loved one, the holiday season can bring about a resurgence of grief during what is normally a joyful time. For people who grew up in dysfunctional families, the time of year when many are turning toward family to celebrate special days can make them feel isolated and more aware than ever of their painful family circumstances. For many others, the holidays are a mixed bag--lots of joy and fun combined with family stress, financial worries, and an overbooked schedule. 

And of course, lots of people come from cultures and traditions that don't celebrate any major holidays during what many people in the United States think of as the holiday season, and yet they still have to put up with the annoyance of significant inconveniences such as lots of extra traffic, major crowds where they're just trying to run their errands, and holiday decorations and marketing everywhere they look. 

Whatever the reason is, if the thought of the approaching holidays brings you stress or pain of any kind, this tapping script is for you. I hope it helps. 

As with all of my tapping scripts, these statements can be used as is, or modified in any way that makes them resonate more fully with your experience. You may notice that when you start tapping on these statements, thoughts and feelings will arise that you can then turn into new tapping statements, which will then give rise to still more thoughts and feelings, which you can use to create additional tapping statements, and so on. I call this following the thread, and it’s a very efficient way to heal and release a lot of painful feelings in a short amount of time.


Here are the tapping statements:

I always feel down at this time of year.

I feel bad saying it, but I really hate this time of year.

During the holidays, I really miss my _____________.

I wish I could enjoy the holidays, but I really feel like I'm just trying to get through them.

The holidays really bum me out because _______________________________.

This time of year is really hard for me.

I wish I could enjoy the holidays the way everyone around me seems to.

Every year I dread the holidays.

The hardest part about the holiday is having to spend them without ______________.

Christmas/Passover/Ramadan/Name your holiday has been tough for me ever since I was a kid.

Everywhere you look, it's Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, which is really hard for those of us who struggle during the holidays.

The worst thing about the holidays is _________________.

The hardest part about the month of December is ______________________.

The holidays are really stressful for me because I don't have the money to buy gifts and decorations to make Christmas nice for my kid(s).

Almost everything about Christmas costs money, and I just don't have any money to spend on Christmas, which makes me feel really sad and stressed-out.

The holidays really stress me out.

I wish I could enjoy Christmas, but it is just so stressful for me. 

I wish I could look forward to the holidays instead of dreading them. 

Every year I have to figure out where I'm going to get the money to pay for a Christmas tree and presents for my kids, and the pressure really stresses me out. 

I have no real family to speak of, which is hard enough throughout the rest of the year, but during the holidays, it really makes me feel alone. 

I used to love the holidays, but ever since my ___________ died, I just try to get through them without getting too depressed. 

I love the holidays, but it's hard not being able to be with my family this year.

I wish I could be with my family during the holidays this year. 

All of the Christmas music playing everywhere really irritates me. 

If I hear Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer one more time, I'm going to scream. 

All of the Christmas  decorations Christmas music playing everywhere forces Christmas on a lot of people who don't celebrate it, and it just doesn't seem right. 

I feel bad for being a grouch about it, but I really wish I could just go to sleep and not wake up until the holidays were over. 

Every public place being super saturated with Christmas really gets on my nerves.

The holidays make me feel really lonely.

The holidays are a really lonely time for me.

My ___________ died at this time of year, and now that's really all I can think about when Christmas comes around.

I really wish my ____________ was still here to celebrate the holidays with us. 

I dread the holidays since my __________ died.

For those of us who are struggling to make ends meet, the holidays are a really tough time. 



Got questions or comments? If so, please post them in the comments section below. 

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For more articles about how to use EFT to transform your life from the inside out, click here.

For tapping scripts to guide you in tapping your troubles away, click here.

To schedule a session with me (in-person, phone, or Skype), call/text 650.465.4788 or e-mail me at heather@heatherambler.com


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Thank you to all who tap each day at noon, for our global brothers and sisters. On top of our list right now: 

Please hold space and tapping energy for those who continue to suffer in Syria, those rebPalestine and Jerusalem, the troubles in West Africa, the nuclear aftermath that continues in Japan, the slow rebuilding in the Phillipines, conflicts and refugee situations across the world.  

There's never a lack of things to tap for! Worldwide conflicts affect us all, and displace millions.  Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and drought also abound, so keep them in your thoughts as well, please.  

When we practice tapping with our global brothers and sisters, we ARE ONE.  Let's SHIFT, together, with one another on behalf of those who cannot - for whatever reason. Thank you!  You may simply want to tap for their grief, healing, and also for the chance to bring peace to themselves and others.  Here in the states, we continue to ask you to tap with us,  using our recent bombing and shooting tragedies in this country, in support of non-violent solutions and better mental healthcare! In times like these, we offer prayers, surrogate tapping and advocacy, using our power to change what is within our power to change -ourselves and one another. 

Please post onto the Forum section your comments, requests and results.  With deep gratitude,



Everyday, at noon, wherever you are, please tap for someone else in the world.  Imagine, over 800 of us, tapping wherever we are, each day!  Imagine.... If you need help with how, or what to say, check out the resources files, above.



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