Your Globally Conscious Tapping Community
We're looking for a few volunteers to host teleconference meetings. This will be an chance for us to share, listen, express, trade, encourage, tap, cheer each other, problem solve, support and make it real.
These teleconference meetings are open to all members, but, since we all can’t be on the call at once and the only language any of us are fluent in is the language of energy, I’m asking that members volunteer to host a teleconference in their region and time zone for more manageability.
Feel free to conduct it as you see fit and choose anytime that is convenient for you. The only requirement for this meeting is that it remain focused on the January 20th TapFest Event in order to prepare us for our greater purpose as EFT practitioners in the world.
Contact the practitioner's pool with your teleconference request and we'll broadcast it to all the members at once so you don't have to.
The deadline for the broadcast messaging is Thursday 8pm. Otherwise please post your teleconference meeting in the discussion board.
Your email could read as simple as;
My name is Lillian Fimbres EFT - ADV and I’m hosting a teleconference meeting from the United States, New York area, Teleconference begins 11am, East Coast Time Zone for approximately 1 hour.
If there are no objections this meeting will be recorded.
Conference Dial-in Number is (608) 649 - 1800 Participant Access Code is 312677#.
Hope to hear from you soon.
How simple is that!
Love and Kindness
Practitioners Pool
Thank you to all who tap each day at noon, for our global brothers and sisters. On top of our list right now:
Please hold space and tapping energy for those who continue to suffer in Syria, those rebPalestine and Jerusalem, the troubles in West Africa, the nuclear aftermath that continues in Japan, the slow rebuilding in the Phillipines, conflicts and refugee situations across the world.
There's never a lack of things to tap for! Worldwide conflicts affect us all, and displace millions. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and drought also abound, so keep them in your thoughts as well, please.
When we practice tapping with our global brothers and sisters, we ARE ONE. Let's SHIFT, together, with one another on behalf of those who cannot - for whatever reason. Thank you! You may simply want to tap for their grief, healing, and also for the chance to bring peace to themselves and others. Here in the states, we continue to ask you to tap with us, using our recent bombing and shooting tragedies in this country, in support of non-violent solutions and better mental healthcare! In times like these, we offer prayers, surrogate tapping and advocacy, using our power to change what is within our power to change -ourselves and one another.
Please post onto the Forum section your comments, requests and results. With deep gratitude,
Everyday, at noon, wherever you are, please tap for someone else in the world. Imagine, over 800 of us, tapping wherever we are, each day! Imagine.... If you need help with how, or what to say, check out the resources files, above.
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