Your Globally Conscious Tapping Community
Please join me in an Intention to relieve the shock, pain and suffering of all those who lost a loved one in Norway. Breathe silently as you consider them, then when ready, here is a surrogate tapping script you are welcome to use, from TapFest coFounder Jondi Whitis:
Start by tapping for yourself and your feelings:
Even though I cannot be onsite and offer you my condolences or even a shoulder or ear for your pain, I accept myself, my Intentions and my limitations.
Even though I have no idea how you feel, nor can I take those feelings away for you, I deeply feel your pain and accept both our limitations and our capabilities in this moment.
Even though it is a shocking, confusing, heinous act of such enormity that we cannot begin to make sense of the senseless death and destruction, I accept myself and my thoughts and judgements anyway, just as I am.
TH This senseless suffering
EB How could this happen?
SE I have no words
UE I have no balm or fix for this
UN What can I possibly do to help you?
CH It's beyond my imagining
CB I'm here, and willing to listen
UA Listen and help, willing to be with you instead of my judgements
UN Willing to send you my energy and Intention, and get myself out of the way
KC Willing to be in this moment with you, now, and send you loving energy
Now take a deep breath, and please think about the victims, the survivors and their countrymen. Take another deep breath, and send them your thoughts of relief, like a river, running through you, all the way to them, and tap ABOUT the people in this tragedy:
Even though I cannot be onsite and offer you my condolences or even a shoulder or ear for your pain, I accept myself, my Intentions and my limitations.
Even though I see the looks on the people's faces, looks of disbelief and shock, I accept both of our limitations and our capabilities in this moment, with Loving energy and Intention.
Even I see them wandering, in anger, in shock, in confusion, about this tragic act, I accept them and myself, even in this confusion and anger.
TH So much anger
EB How could this happen? They are asking how, how could this be?
SE They are speechless, they have no ability to put this into meaning
UE How can they fix this? Feeling helpless to fix this
UN Numb? Maybe they are numb, maybe there is no way to feel this pain yet
CH The look on their faces, the way their body drags, so much pain
CB Do they know we're here, and willing to listen? That we want to ease their grief?
UA Putting my hand on their shoulders, offering my hand to them, my energy
UN Visualizing a stream of healing energy, surrounding them, healing them
KC Willing to be in this moment with them; willing, and sending my energy; there is Love in this moment and I am sending it to them
Take a deep breath, and visualize some of the photographs you have seen. Tap TO them in this round, as you look upon the photographs or images:
Even though I see your sadness and loss, and I cannot fix that for you, I accept myself, my Intentions and my limitations as I reach out to you.
Even though I cannot fix this sadness or loss, I offer you my sympathy, my energy, my loving Intention to be with you in this painful time.
Even though I see you shake your head as you try to make sense of the violence and senselessness, I accept your confusion, my helplessness, just as we are.
TH I see you are weeping angry tears
EB I see you. You are wondering who could do this terrible thing, and why?
SE I see you shaking in rage, and helplessness
UE I see you Helpless to fix this, yet still standing, still present
UN Who can possibly fix this? What can anyone do or say? I see your doubt
CH I see some of you refusing to be comforted; I send you compassion
CB I see neither of us have a solution, no idea how to begin, but to open to Love
UA They cannot wrap their minds around it, I cannot, and yet...we open to one another
UN Nowhere for them to turn except to one another; seeing them in loving energy and Oneness, I send out my loving energy to you...
KC They are seeking a way to deal with the pain; the unreality and the pain; I can only
imagine; I send them Light and Love.
Another deep breath. Now, when you're ready, allow yourself to become completely willing. Willing to tap surrogately AS the people you have been visualizing and picturing from the photographs. Allow them to speak through you, and tap:
Even though I _______________________, I want to accept myself and my feelings.
Even though I am feeling _________________ , I want to accept myself and remind myself that I am okay, I am here, I am alive, and that Love is not dead in the world.
Even though I cannot ___________ , I can _______________, and I am alive. I am still here. And somehow, Love always wins.
TH Feeling ________ , but wanting to feel there is still Love in the world
EB Thinking to myself _________ , and willing to feel _______ , if I can
SE Having no words to tell you how I FEEL, but willing to be present, be whole
UE I don't know how to release this ____________ , but I am trying to feel the Love
of other who would help, others who still Love and give Love
UN Helpless to ___________ ; feel like I must _________ ; Send me help, solace...
CH Don't know what to do, where to turn, but inward, contemplating if there is still Love
CB I am numb, I am __________; trying to accept and feel the loving energy sent me
UA Will someone fix this?! WIll someone help me? Thank you, thank you, thank you
UN I don't know what to do, what to say; just feeling __________ ; I open to Love
KC I am feeling so alone, so ___________ , yet willing to Love, to carry on in Love
and again
TH All I have is this memory now; is that all there is now? There is Love somewhere
EB My face is swollen and raw, but I know I am not really alone, others send me love
SE I can cry, I can cry, and maybe someone will hear me, feel my pain and help me cope
UE I am looking for someone to cry with; maybe someone hears this and can send me strength and compassion and Love
UN I am searching right now, to put things right; is that possible? Is Love possible,
even now?
CH How can I believe? How can I heal from this? Can I? Can I feel and trust there is Love?
CB I am so angry and unforgiving, who could love me? Yet I know this is true
UA Am I too angry to even receive love? Maybe there is some hope for me yet
UN Can I see myself healing, even now? Can I feel healing coming to me? Maybe I can
KC Is there someone or something willing to be in this moment with me now?
I need to feel connection. I need to feel love and somehow find peace, please...
Thank you, thank you, thank you for Love.
Let this be for a moment. Then take up your tapping again, this time returning to your own images, feelings. Alternate your images and feelings with the tapping for the person you've pictured. Keep repeating affirmative, loving phrases for you and them as you tap.
Even though I am tapping for them, and I feel good about that, I am still bothered by the fact that I can only tap to fix this....I accept that...I accept them, and I me. I am sending love. I am feeling love, and sending it out.
Even though this is all I can do, I choose to let the tapping heal me and the others. I am willing to let the tapping heal us, and accept both of us in this moment.
Even though i's hard for both of us to imagine accepting this shocking, and heinous act, I know and accept that we are love, vcan give and receive love, even in times of grief and despair.
TH I tap for you, for your community, and send you all healing Intention
EB I tap for myself and for you, that we are loved and healed and restored
SE Tapping for your pain and for peace to come to us both, and to the world
UE Tapping for the love and healing of all the pain and shock and loss
UN There is love in this place; there is love for you, and for the world,
even in this time and place; willing to feel connected and loved
CH Sending you loving, healing Intention for you, your loved ones, your loss
CB Tapping in solidarity, in willingness, in healing Intention for all of us
UA Sending healing Intention and peace; we are love, we are healed by Love
UN Willing, present; consciously sending you loving Intention and healing
KC Willing to be in this moment with you, in Love, for your best and highest restoration and good. I send you peace, and Love, and healing. May It Be So.
Thank you to all who tap each day at noon, for our global brothers and sisters. On top of our list right now:
Please hold space and tapping energy for those who continue to suffer in Syria, those rebPalestine and Jerusalem, the troubles in West Africa, the nuclear aftermath that continues in Japan, the slow rebuilding in the Phillipines, conflicts and refugee situations across the world.
There's never a lack of things to tap for! Worldwide conflicts affect us all, and displace millions. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and drought also abound, so keep them in your thoughts as well, please.
When we practice tapping with our global brothers and sisters, we ARE ONE. Let's SHIFT, together, with one another on behalf of those who cannot - for whatever reason. Thank you! You may simply want to tap for their grief, healing, and also for the chance to bring peace to themselves and others. Here in the states, we continue to ask you to tap with us, using our recent bombing and shooting tragedies in this country, in support of non-violent solutions and better mental healthcare! In times like these, we offer prayers, surrogate tapping and advocacy, using our power to change what is within our power to change -ourselves and one another.
Please post onto the Forum section your comments, requests and results. With deep gratitude,
Everyday, at noon, wherever you are, please tap for someone else in the world. Imagine, over 800 of us, tapping wherever we are, each day! Imagine.... If you need help with how, or what to say, check out the resources files, above.
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