EFT TapFest

Your Globally Conscious Tapping Community

Visit Operation-Emotional.com for downloads, details and clips from the movie documenting EFT founder Gary Craig's veteran's experiment in San Francisco.  In it, filmmaker Eric Huurre follows the veterans and family members who came to try the remarkable tool for relieving PTSD symptoms, EFT.  It runs the gauntlet of emotions as EFT begins its humble and effective work, restoring these veterans to themselves, their families and their communities.


Veteran Bob Culver, at the national wall in Washington, DC, gives compelling, life-changing testimony in this film.   We'll be hosting an event here in New York City - please come!  We'd be delighted to meet you and share the film , the resources, great conversation and answer your questions.  We'll also have copies of the film, research and stats, press releases, the EFT for Combat PTSD book and Dr. Carol Look's PTSD case study dvds.  After the parade, we'll be right here in mid-town, 900 Broadway (@20th Street), courtesy of THE MODERNS, the future forward design and marketing firm.  Its founder Janine James is offering their space as her part in remembering and honoring our nation's veterans and their service to this country, as well as all the EFT practitioners who offer healing services to them.  For more information on this event and events ALL OVER THE WORLD, check out the attachment below.  

It's easy to be a part of this and make a local event yourself, even if you aren't a practitioner working with trauma.  Presenting an information event is a wonderful community service no matter where you live.  You'll be able to download all kinds of things, even buy a streaming version of the movie presentation with comments by the filmmaker, for only $4, and you can start and pause it whenever convenient to you!  Check it out on Operation: Emotional Freedom's site now, and make sure you let us know to add your name to the worldwide list! 

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Thank you to all who tap each day at noon, for our global brothers and sisters. On top of our list right now: 

Please hold space and tapping energy for those who continue to suffer in Syria, those rebPalestine and Jerusalem, the troubles in West Africa, the nuclear aftermath that continues in Japan, the slow rebuilding in the Phillipines, conflicts and refugee situations across the world.  

There's never a lack of things to tap for! Worldwide conflicts affect us all, and displace millions.  Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and drought also abound, so keep them in your thoughts as well, please.  

When we practice tapping with our global brothers and sisters, we ARE ONE.  Let's SHIFT, together, with one another on behalf of those who cannot - for whatever reason. Thank you!  You may simply want to tap for their grief, healing, and also for the chance to bring peace to themselves and others.  Here in the states, we continue to ask you to tap with us,  using our recent bombing and shooting tragedies in this country, in support of non-violent solutions and better mental healthcare! In times like these, we offer prayers, surrogate tapping and advocacy, using our power to change what is within our power to change -ourselves and one another. 

Please post onto the Forum section your comments, requests and results.  With deep gratitude,



Everyday, at noon, wherever you are, please tap for someone else in the world.  Imagine, over 800 of us, tapping wherever we are, each day!  Imagine.... If you need help with how, or what to say, check out the resources files, above.



We are delighted to accept donations to TapFest in order to continue our efforts. Thank you!

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