EFT TapFest

Your Globally Conscious Tapping Community



As each days passes and we see the ballooning devestation to Japan and her people,  our ability to understand and absorb it shrinks; our hearts grow heavy, and our hopes 

dim for their rapid recovery, and even question how this can be possible.  Where is our hope, and in what?  What can we possibly do, all these miles away? 


How could this happen? And yet, we know it happens, and is part of Life.  But what do we do, what can we say as it plays out in front of us, and we see the suffering of others as we helplessly watch?  


Even though we hear that Japan has done so much more than perhaps our own country in preparedness, we see that it is still not enough.  Our brains register the thought that perhaps we are not safe, either, even a world away, as we return to the awareness that our world and collective economy is frequently short-sighted and irresponsible in its rush to make the very things we need - fuel, resources, money, jobs, growth, we forget our vulnerability to the unexpected, to the natural order of the earth and her physical power to have other plans.  We have our own agendas, falsely believe we are not connected to each and every other living thing on the planet.  And when the realization that we have once again chosen to see and believe in separation, we feign shock again, and again and again.


But enough!  What are we to DO in this awkward, painful place of helplessness?  And are we truly helpless?  How can we effect remembering..consciousness...and how may we best reach out to our brothers and sisters in harm’s way?  To speak to the fear, the loss and the hopelessness and helplessness?  


We choose to respond.  We choose to respond to these very real, other parts of ourselves through our Intention to connect, to heal and to share our conscious energy.  We choose not to stand idly by, but to actively engage with the world for its highest and best good.

We choose to tap with the world in unity of Intentional healing, manifesting a wave of energy for this purpose, even if we do not cognitively know more than we do in this very crystalline moment of time.


And so we set our Intention to create healing, weaving the cords of our hearts together.  Let the Earth and all those who suffer in Japan hear our voices and feel 

the collective efforts of our hands to restore. Let us breathe in the fullness of our task, breathe out strength to them, to bear the load, for it is a long road back to restoration, perhaps decades, with no clear or certain path.  May we sharpen our will to see the imperative to co-create solutions, united by our hearts, intentions and energies. 


Propelled forward by common purpose, we commit to strengthen one another. May our collective effort be a luminous example – a pivot point where mankind learns once again - we recognize with every fiber of our being that we are all One.


Let it be so.  This or something better. Peace. 

Let us tap together:


KC: Even though the disaster in Japan gets worse and worse, and I 

have no idea how I can help this situation, I completely accept myself, anyway. 

KC: Even though the earth and the waters destroyed so much and there is no 

end in sight to the damage, I accept myself and my feelings of helplessness. 

KC: Even though my heart aches for the people of Japan and their loved ones across the world, and my Intention and conscious compassion is all I have to give, I accept myself even in this state of helplessness.  


TOH: This feeling of loss & helplessness 

EB: Feeling helpless 

SE: Helpless – I don’t know how to help 

UE: I want to help, but I don’t know how 

UN: Helplessness, awful helplessness and loss 

UC: Feeling such loss, feeling their loss

CB: I don’t know how to help, what to say 

UA: What can I possibly do about this loss? 

UN: So helpless – helpless to fix the loss

KC: This awful helpless feeling 


KC: Even though the bad news continues to pour in like the ocean and I accept 

that there is little I can personally do about it, I accept this feeling

KC: Even though I cannot personally stop the meltdown, the fires, the radiation,

I accept that this is so, and all my complicated feelings about it. 

KC: Even though I hear the relentless bad news and fear the experts have no real solutions to this disaster, I accept my fury and frustration.  I accept myself and all these feelings. 

Even though there is little I may be able to do but tap, maybe I can see it as something positive to do in this terrible time.  Maybe I can put energy behind the idea that a solution no one has thought of exists.  I can put my heart and desire to help into this hope against hope.  I accept my frustration and anger at feeling helpless, at only being able to send my energy and Intention for help and healing in this moment. 

TOH: This frustration 

EB: Feelings of frustration and anger 

SE: Loss, feelings of loss and helplessness 

UE: What can anyone do?  I am just one person!

UN: I can only do what I can do - tap, tap and send the energy of my heart 

out into this dangerous situation

UC: Feelings of helplessness and fear; what next?!?

CB: I feel so frustrated – I want to help, and don't know how

UA: I so want to help, and I'm so far away

UN: Fearful and frustrated 

KC: What more can I do? What can anyone do?  Surely there is something we can do. 

KC: Even though the quakes and meltdowns keep coming, even though thousands are missing and may never be found, and there's so little we feel we can do, I accept that this is how I really feel. I deeply and completely accept my feelings and my role in this Intention.

KC: Even though I cannot personally understand how to clean up this disaster, or even bring in relief to those who survive and suffer, I choose to channel my frustration and anger into 

action.  I choose to send my energy and Intention for solutions and healing out into the world.  I choose to call upon the brilliance of the world’s finest minds and hearts to find a solution.  I accept my abilities – and my disabilities – to help in this situation. 

KC: Even though I feel helpless and such sorrow for the people of Japan, I choose to focus on sending them my Intention and energy for healing and relief.  I choose to unite 

my heart and energy in the search for a better outcome than I fear.  Maybe I can 

channel the fear into healing energy.  I accept my desire to help and my limitations, 

completely and honestly. 

TOH: My abilities and my limitations, too 

EB: Adding my abilities to those of others around the world 

SE: I feel my limitations, yet I also have abilities; I choose to focus on my abilities to help 

UE: Looking past my limitations, to my abilities; I set my intentions to help, my abilities to 

send healing energy into this whole region 

UN: I pour my feelings of Lack into My Abilities; I choose to see myself as fully, consciously connected to each person.

UC: I choose to engage in the world, for their best and highest good. Calling forth healing

energy and brilliant solutions. 

CB: Calling forth my ability to join with others in sending powerful intentions to heal, and swift relief to reach all places in need.  May rescuers be brilliantly guided, with wings upon their feet. 

UA: I unite with the world in my ability to tap and send forth this Intention and energy with others, for the healing of this disaster 

UN: I choose to remain conscious and engaged; there is no limitation to how my healing intention and energy can help call forth solutions.  I gladly acknowledge my powerful intentions and healing energies, and see them unite with others for powerful result. 

KC: Sending out my powerful energies and Intention for solutions, for healing, for 

positive outcomes not currently seen. Uniting my abilities with the Earth and all 

her people. 

May it be so.  This or something better.  Peace.

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Thank you to all who tap each day at noon, for our global brothers and sisters. On top of our list right now: 

Please hold space and tapping energy for those who continue to suffer in Syria, those rebPalestine and Jerusalem, the troubles in West Africa, the nuclear aftermath that continues in Japan, the slow rebuilding in the Phillipines, conflicts and refugee situations across the world.  

There's never a lack of things to tap for! Worldwide conflicts affect us all, and displace millions.  Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and drought also abound, so keep them in your thoughts as well, please.  

When we practice tapping with our global brothers and sisters, we ARE ONE.  Let's SHIFT, together, with one another on behalf of those who cannot - for whatever reason. Thank you!  You may simply want to tap for their grief, healing, and also for the chance to bring peace to themselves and others.  Here in the states, we continue to ask you to tap with us,  using our recent bombing and shooting tragedies in this country, in support of non-violent solutions and better mental healthcare! In times like these, we offer prayers, surrogate tapping and advocacy, using our power to change what is within our power to change -ourselves and one another. 

Please post onto the Forum section your comments, requests and results.  With deep gratitude,



Everyday, at noon, wherever you are, please tap for someone else in the world.  Imagine, over 800 of us, tapping wherever we are, each day!  Imagine.... If you need help with how, or what to say, check out the resources files, above.



We are delighted to accept donations to TapFest in order to continue our efforts. Thank you!

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