Emotional Freedom Technique - amazing Energy Meridian Tapping Techniques combined with Intuitive Languaging - Can Help Eradicate - Relieve Your Physical and Emotional Negative Symptoms!
Emotional Freedom Technique also known at EFT/ tapping is the talk of the day. This amazing new discovery is based on the body's energies and a simple statement that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the energy system. It may be explained as the modern version of acupuncture without the needles and acupressure without pain, used in conjunction with performance success coaching.
As you may know and most of the medical industry is now discovering, when we have physical problems they are almost always connected with our emotions. Emotional Freedom Technique comes to the rescue and is showing astounding results; in some cases after one or two sessions.
See EVENTS For More on EFT: Balance & Power Events - "According to the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, EFT often does the job for you cleanly and thoroughly in one or two sessions... and we often achieve noticeable results in a few brief rounds of EFT. We label these near-instant results as "one minute wonders." Do EFT
properly and you will likely experience them 50%
of the time. Headaches, back pains and other
discomforts often tend to improve or vanish."
As a Certified level 2 EFT practitioner I use these amazing techniques in my Private Life Coaching Sessions as well as my Anger Management Seminars and Stress Management Seminars with overwhelming success! Balance and Power!™ Success Coaching Groups are now being organized throughout the New York Metropolitan Area!
What people are saying about Eileen and Emotional Freedom Technique: "I'd been doing some self-study on EFT and was getting some reasonable results but after one short session with Eileen, I not only discovered what I was missing with regards to tapping, I immediately felt better...I felt like there was real progress. Eileen not only is an experienced tapping coach, it's abundantly clear that she truly cares about the people she works with.
Got an issue? (and who doesn't??) I urge you to engage Eileen as your coach. She's easy to work with and gets results."
- Jeff Goldberg
Jeff Goldberg & Associates
"Eileen Lichtenstein's wealth of experience and knowledge of executive coaching combined with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) have created a positive life energy within me to help get on the road to achieving my goals and dreams. Thanks Eileen!"
- Dr. Bruce Kesten
Kinesiology Chiropractor
Baldwin, NY
"Thank you so much for the EFT sessions - they genuinely changed my life! The snooze button no longer rules my mornings, and the afternoon "witching hour" has been made much more pleasant thanks to the techniques you taught me. And I'm no longer bringing bad feelings and frustrations about work into my home life. I highly recommend EFT to anyone who might be interested - anyone can benefit from it! Thanks again!"
- Julie Cohen
Work @ Home Corp. Exec., Mom/Student.
Oceanside, NY
"Thank you Eileen! You were wonderful. I enjoyed learning from you...the best I have felt in days and still do tonight; thanks for putting on the event!"
- Jara T. Weiss
The Optimal Health Program®
www.theoptimalhealthprogram.com "After just one session with you, I have to say that you are a very special being with a wonderful energy and spirit. After our session, I recalled the importance of learning (not to mention "hanging out" or networking) with an upbeat, enthusiastic, and fun coach/teacher. And that's you! Your attitude makes a huge difference in confidence, motivation, and my attitude about the subject of EFT."
- Ron Haugen
CEO Proficiency Training Programs
"I want to thank you so very much for helping me in my quest to speak and give presentations in public. I saw a remarkable difference at my first presentation using the EFT, I was very calm and relaxed, there was no anxiety. I have since been using this technique before stressful situations with increasingly positive results, i.e I feel more confident and sure of myself.. I am still a long way off from my goal but each situation represents practice which in turn will become perfect."
With Much gratitude,
- Hannah Park Lusterman, SOC Appreciation Marketing
www.thereferralspecialist.com Some of the benefits that Emotional Freedom Technique deals with: - Confidence and Self-Esteem

- Weight Loss
- Food/Sugar Cravings
- Smoking Cessation
- Sports and other Performance
- Headaches
- Depression
- Panic/Anxiety
- Blood Pressure
- Asthma
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- All phobias including:
Fear of Water
Fear of Flying
I have been facilitating EFT with groups using the "Borrowing Benefits" technique. At the seminar I will be referring to, there were 40 people in attendance. The audience was taught the EFT procedures and given an explanation of how "Borrowing Benefits" would work. Everyone in the room was asked to choose a personal problem that had an intensity rating between 8-10 on a scale from 0-10. Five volunteers came up to work with her.
This first individual had a rating of 9 regarding a problem of fighting with her teenage son, which was successfully brought down to a 0 in 2 rounds. The next individual had an 8 about some eating issues and a pattern of anxiety. She was down to a 1 within 3 rounds. One individual at a time was worked with on stage and when they were down to a 1 or 0 was invited to sit down. Interestingly, after working with the first person, it was discovered that the remaining volunteers dropped from their original 8-10 level to a 6 or below BEFORE working with them. This is because they had "Borrowed Benefits" by tapping along with the previous person.
Typically, EFT is facilitated with a practitioner for several sessions, while the individual is tapping on their own every day. EFT is especially effective when integrated with peak performance success coaching
and may be arranged monthly or in three month packages.
Currently offering courses for coaches and health care professionals. E-mail me at
Eileen@balanceandpower.com for more information.
Or call: 516.623.4345.
Start today to change your life and career for the better! Sign up for my amazing Stress Management Seminars
using Emotional Freedom Technique EFT
and notice the benefits in one session!
New Offering! One on One EFT Basic Training: Face to Face and SKYPE Video
One on One EFT Basic Training: Face to Face in Baldwin or SKYPE Video at a convenient time!
One on One Basic EFT Training: Miracles in a few hours to last a lifetime!!
More Information: Call (516) 623-4353 or
email to
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Hello Eileen and welcome to TapFest.
You're just in time. We're getting ready to launch the 3rd anniversary this Thursday. Visit the Event tab to learn more about the radio show and the Main page for sending a video to add to the Quilt.
With warmth and kindness, welcome to the TapFest family