Your Globally Conscious Tapping Community
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Thanks for connecting. I also post interviews and videos on LinkedIn at
Love connecting on Linkedin. Are you Ready to See life through a New Set of Glasses? Upgrade at Tears to Triumph to ask me a question on the bonus coaching call today or listen to the replay of my eyesight improvement interview. You can also join in tomorrow as i talk about eBook publishing with other traditionally and self-published authors in a second bonus call. Along with all of this is an opportunity for your story to be published in the 2nd edition of Tears to Triumph, Stories to Transform Your Life Today, an Anthology from the Authors of Pebbles in the Pond and more
I was the featured thought leader in January at Raising Consciousness Now along with my fundraising for Hazon and my Cross USA bicycle ride Summer 2013. Enjoy
Do you feel like you are doing the same thing over and over? Are you addicted to your process? Here is some help breaking out of the pattern /
Check out my interview with Veronika Tracy-Smith "Ways to increase success and consciousness", I will be talking about how to Stop Repetition's Pain by Harnessing Dopamine, Acupuncture's Gallbladder Meridian and Sensational Medicine to Heal Your Brain. Audio + Powerpoint
Check out my new book, Parkinson's Disease? Walk Better, Sleep Deeper and Move Consciously, Solutions from the Nature's Sensational Medicine Workbook Please pop over to Amazon and like my book,
Happy New Year. With such a great end of 2012 from Maine to Oregon, I so look forward to consulting with people who want better movement, pain-free comfort, internal body communication and vision in 2013. Below are some events I am planning. Please contact me if you want to work with me in 2013.
Here are a few of the exercises I shared with clients around the world in 2012.
1. Sensational Medicine, healing the sensory system with new activities. You know the saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But do you know the second half? The fastest way to become an old dog? ... Stop learning new tricks. So in 2013 learn something new a new trick, observe a new sensation, notice something old in a new way. These are the ways to improve your brain and eye function. Pick something up every day and notice the shape, color, texture, sound, taste, smell, temperature, consistency, and how the parts make up the whole and how it is connected to its surroundings. How is it similar or different from what is around you.
2. Blinking exercise like pushups for the eyes. These exercises and more are about 28 minutes into this video You can also read my blog posts which are part of my upcoming book, Harnessing the Placebo Effect, It Is Not What You Think, It Is What You Expect.
3. Tibetan eye chart for vision, insight and eyesight. Place the chart with the center line at eye level about an arm's length from your eyes. Moving only your eyes look at each of the outer circles, rotating your eyes in a clockwise direction. Do this twice then do two circle in a counterclockwise direction. Notice the colors and shapes. Then run your eyes through the center from top to bottom, then back to the top again several times. Then run your eyes back and forth a few times along each of the diagonal lines through the center. Notice the patterns, colors and shapes. Next make another circuit around the outer circles clockwise and counter clockwise. Lastly look up to the right, down to the left, up to the left and down to the right creating a figure eight pattern with your eyes. The chart is at or email me for an attached picture.
4. Neck tapping gives your brain two different perspectives on the same activity, increasing your attention to sound, to what you hear in the world outside of you and the vibrations you hear inside of you. This is a great exercise to do in the morning to increase your conscious alertness and creativity during the day. Tap on the back of your neck with all of your fingers like you are playing a piano along the back of the neck. After a moment cover your ears with the heel of your hands and lightly tap again. Notice the difference in the sound, the tone, the loudness of the vibration, feel the feeling of your fingers on your neck and notice how the sound changes depending on whether you are covering your ears or not.
5. Darth Vader breathing for better hearing, decreased neck and jaw tension and relaxation before going to bed. Darth Vader breathing means to stand or sit and suck in the air making a sound like Darth Vader. The point is to make a sound as you draw in a deep breath. This ensures not only that you have a few breaths that are deep and fill your lungs with oxygen but also that your brain hears you breathing and is reassured, allowing you to relax.
6. Mindfulness eating for taste, smell and power. For two minutes before eating, stand or sit in the power pose (feet spread wider than shoulders, hands on hips, head up, spine elongated). Think about the food you are about to eat. The temperature, the color, the texture, the shapes, and more. What are you most grateful for?
For more exercises, ideas and book to help you sleep deeper, decrease stress and chronic pain, improve your balance and transform your life, visit Kimberly Burnham's Amazon author's page (Parkinson's, Sleep, Vision, Balance and more...)
For a free video on consciousness, brain and nervous system function and vision improvements, watch this video
To connect with Kimberly Burnham, PhD visit or
I hope you are well and that 2013 is the best year ever. Thanks, Kim
Kimberly Burnham, PhD
2013 Events
Feb 8, 2013 Are you Ready to See life through a New Set of Glasses? Upgrade at Tears to Triumph to ask me a question on the bonus coaching call today or listen to the replay of my eyesight improvement interview.
Feb 9, 2013 12 noon EST You can also join in tomorrow as I talk about eBook publishing with other traditionally and self-published authors in a second bonus call. Along with all of this is an opportunity for your story to be published in the 2nd edition of Tears to Triumph, Stories to Transform Your Life Today, an Anthology from the Authors of Pebbles in the Pond and more
May 18 & 19, 2013 Kimberly Burnham, PhD, The Nerve Whisperer speaking on Balancing Brain Chemistry & Tapping: Amazing things that can do for you! at the Spring Energy EFT TapFest, Your Globally Conscious Tapping Community
You can hear the replay of my 2012 show on EFT Radio with Jondi Whitis on Blog Talk Radio and on iTunes
June 2-5, 2013 Kimberly Burnham, PhD, The Nerve Whisperer will be a presenter at the Cognitive Modifiability and Neural Plasticity Conference in Jerusalem, Israel.
June 13 - Aug 18, 2013 Kimberly Burnham can be reached at 860-221-8510 somewhere on her bicycle riding across the USA. To donate, details or to contribute to the Bicycling for Food anthology
2013 Two one day workshops (limit 10 people) in Eugene, Oregon with Rita Monasterio, MS at Illumination 2745 Capital DR, Eugene, OR 97403 (541) 343-8768 Date to be determined.
$150 per day. Spend 8 hours with Kimberly Burnham learning hands-on diagnostic skills, ways to look at the client, how to put your knowledge together to create a healing framework, and providing lasting value to your clients. Ask any questions and spend 45 minutes as the client on the table feeling from the inside what can change and happen.
Summer 2013 I am riding my bicycle 3300 miles across the US, from Seattle to Washington, DC. Any tax-free donations to Hazon for Sustainable Food Justice would be great. I am asking my friends to donate $33 - a penny for each mile I intend to ride OR $56 for my 56th birthday which I will be celebrating in Wisconsin OR $330 for a consultation with me. Once you have donated email me and let me know which of my eBooks I can send you. Do you want to know how to sleep better or improve your balance? Do you have Parkinson's or Macular degeneration or know someone who does? Do you want to improve your LinkedIn profile? Do you want to ignite your connection with the natural world with my book on Fractals. Pick one out Amazon and let me know what I can send you for free.
Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!
Posted on May 22, 2013 at 7:00pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
There are twelve major acupuncture meridians each one is associated with a color, an element and so much more. Here are the correlations with brain chemistry. Feel free to join our brain health group and get the details …
Posted on May 22, 2013 at 9:44am 0 Comments 1 Like
Call me for a session via phone, skype or in person in West Hartford, CT or at your location.
I am happy to talk to you about vision recovery. First I wanted to share some links to places you can access more support and healing through videos, blogs, book I have done.
My own vision recovery story video is here:…
ContinuePosted on May 20, 2013 at 11:44am 0 Comments 0 Likes
I am so grateful that Jondi Whitis and I connected on LinkedIn, so many fun things have happened since then. Join the group and learn more about how social media can help you at
Join this group to learn how social media can help you move…
ContinuePosted on May 20, 2013 at 9:00am 0 Comments 0 Likes
For improved vision and brain health feel free to join in. Here is my post on relationships between vision, EFT Tapping Eye Brow (EB) BL 1 & 2 Bladder Meridian Points from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (Kidney, Bones, Blue Water)
Thank you to all who tap each day at noon, for our global brothers and sisters. On top of our list right now:
Please hold space and tapping energy for those who continue to suffer in Syria, those rebPalestine and Jerusalem, the troubles in West Africa, the nuclear aftermath that continues in Japan, the slow rebuilding in the Phillipines, conflicts and refugee situations across the world.
There's never a lack of things to tap for! Worldwide conflicts affect us all, and displace millions. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and drought also abound, so keep them in your thoughts as well, please.
When we practice tapping with our global brothers and sisters, we ARE ONE. Let's SHIFT, together, with one another on behalf of those who cannot - for whatever reason. Thank you! You may simply want to tap for their grief, healing, and also for the chance to bring peace to themselves and others. Here in the states, we continue to ask you to tap with us, using our recent bombing and shooting tragedies in this country, in support of non-violent solutions and better mental healthcare! In times like these, we offer prayers, surrogate tapping and advocacy, using our power to change what is within our power to change -ourselves and one another.
Please post onto the Forum section your comments, requests and results. With deep gratitude,
Everyday, at noon, wherever you are, please tap for someone else in the world. Imagine, over 800 of us, tapping wherever we are, each day! Imagine.... If you need help with how, or what to say, check out the resources files, above.
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Welcome! Glad to have you here, Kimberly.