Your Globally Conscious Tapping Community
EFT practitioners around the world are connecting intentions that support and encourage healing, growth and purposeful, positive change.
What you can do on this site:
Posted by EFT Practitioners Pool on April 11, 2016 at 7:56pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Started by EFT Practitioners Pool in Uncategorized Mar 18, 2014. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by EFT Practitioners Pool in Communication Apr 16, 2013. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by EFT Practitioners Pool in Sample Title Apr 13, 2013. 0 Replies 0 Likes
August has been designated the International Tapping Month! For 31 days we will send the world Tapping gifts - free, no strings, no 'upsell.'
Like TapFest, launched in 2009, we follow a tradition of giving to the world. We give, represent and offer modern, efficient, holistic health and well-care. Tapping is the go-to Life processor and resource that can be used for self-care, peer-to-peer care, and in practiced hands, therapeutic care.
Join the 31 days of gift giving, and pass it on to the world. Like Gary Craig's original intention for EFT, we send out to all, for free, and for the greater good.
Standing With New Zealand
New Zealand, we see you, and your wonderful Prime Minister, too. We send your our love and prayers. Those who Tap and wish may join us today at 12 noon EST for an online surrogate-style Tapping for NZ. More details on our community Tapping pages, Spring Energy Event, EFT Guild, AAMET.
zoomJondi Whitis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: New Zealand Zoom Meeting Time: Mar 17, 2019 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting
STORM-TOSSED & Suffering. Here in the USA our climate change is showing up daily, from western wildfires to flooding and hurricanes pounding Texas and our gulf coast. We appreciate that our Tapping community IS everywhere and always, pitching in to help where they can. Please consider donating to any of the relief agencies you choose, or to your favorite Texan practitioner, so they can in turn serve others in need. ************ TREATING TRAUMA WITHOUT DRAMA?
It is possible, and here's the perfect way to start learning how to do so with grace, ease and confidence. Reserve your seat here, and listen to 25 top trauma relief providers, sharing their best advice and experience with you. Learn drama-free techniques and approaches to effectively work with trauma; if you've ever felt tongue-tied or anxious when a client tells you of their traumatic experience, it's time to get new tools and wisdom, so that you can keep yourself safe and ready to serve them. Reserve your place now, and get it all for free. Dr. Patricia Sherman has created the exclusive Treating Trauma Without Drama Telesummit where over 25 trauma experts will be sharing strategies on how to successfully help clients who have experienced trauma HEAL and THRIVE. Does that sound like something you've been wanting to do? Of course! TapFest is concerned with the world, and helping one another to recovery and a return to wholeness. Reserve your virtual seat here for the Treating Trauma Without Drama Telesummit:Top Experts Reveal Tips for Handling Treatment Challenges with Confidence and Ease.
************************ Past Events ********************************* Global Grandmothers' Synchronized Peace Prayer
MARCH 8th: Join us, in synchronized prayer across the globe, for the worldwide synchronized Peace Prayers with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Last year 650 women' circles combined to do this together, and this year's should be even bigger. Rise Up! Transform the world through your inner work and meditation, your intentions, and activate through authentic connection to unify and empower. Global Sisterhood. 7pm, wherever you are in the world You can sign up to join, or even create your own circle. ******************************************************************************
There are many places in the world that need our every day prayers: among them Japan's latest earthquake, Aleppo's continued annihilation, and our own US-based STANDING ROCK abuses of our indigenous citizens protecting national resources.
Here is one variation on the HIGH NOON tap TapFest has always advocated. If you wish to be connected with millions of us sending focused, directed prayers towards de-fusing this situation, please join us, November 26th at 3pm CST, Central Standard Time in the USA. #PraywithStandingRock Join the Worldwide Synchronized Prayer on November 26: #PraywithStandingRock For more information on the situation in North Dakota: *******
VETERANS DAY: Please acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices your nation's veterans, and their families, have made for you. Many Tapping professionals in this community have offered pro bono and reduced rate services for years, and continue to do so as the military medical establishment concedes more must be done, and with more effective treatments. Consider visiting the site as a resource and spreading the word about what EFT and Tapping can do for them, via
TRAUMA work is finally getting more considered attention in the world, and finally getting more mainstream news about wholistic remedies that actually work! One of our jobs as healing agents at work in the world, is to foster a greater understanding of trauma - both the 'BIG T and LITTLE T' versions. Of course that all needs to take place first within our own selves, and in our own self-care, before taking it out to others. This is what Gary Craig called, 'doing our own work.' There are 4 primary ‘features’ of trauma, and I've written a new forum post about them. You can find that here on the site, under the pull-down FORUM, above. Why not take a moment now to familiarize yourself with them, so that you can actively listen for these with your clients and community. It IS like the old adage about the airplane: affix your own oxygen mask first, before helping another. Take a look in the FORUM above, and let us hear from you; do you have a story to share about creating greater understanding in the world of trauma-release, and how we give this first to ourselves? Here's to greater healing, in ourselves and others - Jondi Whitis, NYC ************ TAPPING FOR ECUADOR & AFRICA: As more and more weather-related disasters take their toll, we're asking everyone at TapFest to be mindful of your fellow Tappers in the world, in whatever area they live, to take a time-out everyday at noon for a 'High Noon Tap.' Functionally this means that every hour, on the hour, someone in the world is Tapping for those in need. Not a bad start to your lunch hour, is it? : ) From all of us at TapFest to all of you, across the world, unite your Intention to be of help in the world, in even the smallest way. Thanks for all you do! Gentle reminder: reach out and befriend a Tapping practitioner on TapFest today, using the handy Member directory. Yes, you have to become a Member to do that!
I am talking to our friend Till Shilling right now, of Tappy Bear fame. As many already know he moved to Ecuador and brought EFT to their schools and children. Since the natural disasters there he's been traveling the little villages who had so little to lose, and lost it all, offering hope, teaching them EFT, and joining them in healing their wounds and hearts. Till and I spoke: we agreed that offering a world in need EFT first helps them calm their systems, so we can then offer them healing in their hearts. Today, here are the two projects in action:
Our friends at Peaceful Heart Network, Gunilla Hamne and Ulf Sandstrom continue to do exemplary work in the field, where trauma is easily created and rarely treated. Their TTT, a sister to EFT, both derived from TFT, shows its colors, energy and results in this lovely video: Read their book and support them! RESOLVING YESTERDAY is available through Amazon, and the site for donations has this PayPal link: More and more research is in the field, now, with on-site workers such as Gunilla and Ulf, as well as from Bond University, led by Dr. Peta Stapleton. The trials vary, from TFT to TTT to EFT, but the point is....TAPPING adds speed, results and ease to ANY of the trauma relief efforts, AND, gives all of us an easy self-care process for life!
PLEASE CONTINUE TO TAP with and for our friend Till, in Ecuador. Here is his report. We ask you to surrogately tap on their recovery, relief and resources. Thank you, conscious community! My dear Tapping Friends,. As some of you know, I live in Ecuador, a country recently hit by a 7,7 Earthquake. The devastation that this event left behind is truly heartbreaking. Thousands of lives lost as buildings along the coast where the beaches are, filled with tourists, collapsed as a Saturday evening of fun and relaxing breeze turned into a nightmare of indescribable proportions. The City of Pedernales, a tourist favorite, was mostly leveled to the ground. Many of the smaller villages in the surrounding areas are totally unreachable as the roads collapsed and any possible help can only be taken in by foot. As I am an EFT Practitioner and AHEFT Certified instructor, I have over the years built a small community that is already helping and reaching out locally so that the images that are constantly thrown at you on TV provoke less stress and trauma. I was coincidentally giving a Level I workshop on Saturday and Sunday, one where my students immediately applied all they learned and instantly became hooked as we all are to Tapping. Their children were calm and relaxed instead of filled with fear and worry. I write to you today asking you for your tapping support. There is so much sorrow and pain here that the Ecuadorean Tapping community has its work cut out for them. I am attaching some images of the dimensions so that you can appreciate the colossal work that needs to be done here. Any Tapping that you could send our way either personally or coming together as a group would be deeply appreciated. Rescuers are doing their best, yet are tiring out because of the heat. Thousands of volunteers have flooded the hardest hit areas, only to become victims themselves. The sight of the horror and devastation, houses and collapsed buildings,. The smell of rotting corpses everywhere is too much for them. The government is trucking them back by the busloads as they are just in the way of cleanup crews. Although plenty of international aid has and is arriving, the first wave of help is cleaning up the debris,. The second wave is helping the people. If we could keep up a tapping chain for a few days, in order to calm down every spirit here, including mother earth who is still shaking, 459 replicas are keeping everyone alert. I would appreciate it immensely. Sending you all in gratefulness a big bear hug, Many Blessings your way. Till Schilling
The 2016 Spring Energy Event, our annual gathering for energy healers, workers and practitioners takes place May 13-15 in NY state, USA. This year we offer a host of presenters of every sort, bringing their wisdom and expertise as gifts to the community of energy & lightworkers we are building. From EFT to Tapping adaptations, all are welcomed to share in this important work in the world we do - facilitating healing for a world in need. ******** ******** and here's to another great year at TapFest! *********** zSLcqzrGRX5jNEVw4PX9MycJxq0Rn1Rdn2mWc49jC*BmQG5/images.jpeg" target="_self">
Compassion Fatigue, or Caregiver Burn-out is a huge problem, felt by most everyone at some time in their life. But if you're in this state often, or your work in the world keeps you there, this is for you: I've got something that will help you FEEL BETTER FAST. Restore Your Resourceful State. Return to Choice-Point. How?? Everyday Triage & Emotional First-Aid. Quickly learn rapid relief from everyday overwhelm, meltdown, confusion. I'm offering Fast & easy tools for speedy, effective everyday help: for YOU, within classrooms, the workplace, your workshops, and even private practice or public intervention. Prevent escalation and meltdown, by using this field intervention toolset. Quickly return to a more resourceful state, making better decisions, getting better results. It’s an essential part of any technique toolbox. No experience required, yet perfect for even advanced healthcare and CAM training of all kinds. New, compact, easy. Walk out with new skills you can immediately put to use. Next Class: April 23rd location: Jersey City, NJ, 10-4. Questions welcomed:
2016 Brings with it a real 'Tipping Point' of healing, using energy modalities, such as Tapping. Maybe we should've called it a 'Tapping Point!' Please join in the circle of healing, reaching out to form communities everywhere you go. From our TapFest friends in Indonesia to those in Mexico, those in India to the Arctic, from the US to the South Pacific....wherever you are, is a place of service, support and collegial friendship. You'll find even larger communities in annual gatherings in York, England, at the end of January, Seattle WA USA in March, and NY state USA in May. Give us a shout here at TapFest to add yours or knowledge of others? We'll put up an EVENT page for everyone you send us, or, as a member, you can do it yourself!
This November 11th, in addition to honoring the men and women who served your community, there is a great opportunity for those who support energy therapies to share what you know with any veteran, military family member, or care giver dealing with the aftermath of military service. On the eve of Veteran's and Remembrance Days here in the U.S., some practitioners will again be conducting local 11/11 PTSD & Trauma Awareness Day events. Whether through a formal group presentation, or a simple one-on-one discussion, everyone can share in this effort to generate awareness by simply pointing out that proven, fast, long term relief is available for anyone seeking help. With thousands more troops returning home from conflicts internationally, ever larger numbers of clinical depression and anxiety sufferers require workable health care options. We have that option. The 11/11/15 International PTSD & Trauma Awareness Day is an annual event to raise awareness of practical options to limited funding, staff cutbacks and unchecked emotional pain and suffering on the single day annually when the public and the media are focussed on remembering veterans. Audiences for this message are not only veterans. Individuals all over the world are connecting to what energy psychology makes possible for every victim of unmanaged stress and trauma. A PSTD Trauma Event is an opportunity for qualified practitioners to gain local attention and acceptance, while offering a desperately needed community service. Through TapFest friend Eric Huurre, the 11/11/15 hand-out materials are free. Contact him directly for your customizable forms, posters, artwork and still photos. Therapists in North America, the U.K., Australia and elsewhere report significant enthusiasm from veterans who here about energy work and the success has as part of local presentations. The Answer DVD is being made available at a bulk discounted price, so that the film be can distributed to clients and their families for as little as $4.00 USD, and you can get this by contacting Eric directly, below. For those following and supporting OPERATION: Emotional Freedom's fund raising for veteran Bob Culver, we're grateful to report that your generosity provided Bob with over $5,000 towards his ongoing expenses and costs associated with his cancer treatment. Bob wanted to express his sincerest appreciation and love to all of you. A special link on the OPERATION: Emotional Freedom website remains there for donations to assist Bob Culver. My hope is that your own Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 event includes not just thanks to veterans, but an effort to inform those who served in your community that support is available in their time of need. More information is here: Eric Huurre *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# INDEPENDENCE!
Welcome back to TapFest! This is the season in the USA when we celebrate independence, and how far we've come along since 1776. ( Or not.) There is value in seeing how how our notions of 'freedom' began, evolved, and the 'state of the union' in present day. Likewise, there is value in seeing ourselves in this same way. How free DO you feel? What do you suppose holds you back from your biggest version on YOU? These are the questions that ultimately determine not only our present satisfaction, but also our future. As we learn about ourselves and how to become better versions, by tapping, supporting one another, and sharing this knowledge in the world with one another and each person who is 'ready,' we do the work of creating the kind of world we want to live in. So from all of us in the USA to all of you across the world, we send you greetings, remembrance that no freedom was ever won while 'asleep', and the celebration of each moment we authentically and intentionally create with one another. Salute! Don't forget to check out upcoming events, and post some, yourself! We'll be looking to see what YOU are doing in the world, here in these member pages, forums and events.
************ June found TapFest in TEXAS **************** TEXAS! Cmon Out! Join me in Austin June 19-22
TAPPING IN TEXAS is where I'll be in June; any chance you can join me there? We'll be tapping away in Austin, a formal Level 1 & 2 class, hoping to serve more of the Ft. Hood/veterans and veterans' support groups. Others are welcome too, but EFT Universe, who's supported the through its research and coaching phases, is sponsoring this training, June 19-22. This commitment is so strong, they're making it free tuition, with application, for Ft. Hood personnel. Contact Please pass the word to anyone who might qualify for that? It's a great opportunity to learn 'the People's Tool,' EFT, for fast relief & results. In the meantime, we're going to have a fun, hands-on, EFT Training for Mastery time, designed to give you the Foundations (Level 1) and working Fundamentals (Level 2) to carry you through self-care and peer-care, and prepare you for the certification track, should you desire to do so. Any of my former students are encouraged to join me at a repeat rate (Contact me:, and there's an earlybird discount til June 1st for everyone else. Here is the registration link for the Texas Tap: ******************************************************************************* DID YOU CATCH THE 2015 Spring Energy Event? 2015 Annual TapFest Event Was Awesome!
We had such a marvelous time this year, and keep expanding to create this fabulous community of healing practitioners. We even snuck in a visit to the famous Woodstock site in Bethel, NY. We had a relaxing retreat, an energizing weekend of presentations and much connecting in between. We had yoga with Cheryl Aiello, meditation form Kris Ferraro, essential oils with Iris Gilligan and Lisa Sussman, tarot for self-revelation with Joe, TongRen & Access Consciousness with Sophie DangTran, appreciative inquiry, John Staples on HeartMath, Harry Pickens at the piano improve-ing and from the heart of service and abundance, adding Emotion Code for an even more effective EFT with CJ Puotinen, CBT-EFT with Joe Schippa, and many variations on specific topics with tapping, from relationships and protected hearts with Stefan Gonick to fishbone method investigative process with Deborah Donndelinger, a walk in wonder in the woods with Alicia North, tapping for chronic pain by Ruthi Backenroth and the alchemy of metaphor from Betty Moore Hafter, EFT Master Jacqui Crooks on our original blueprint design, the usefulness of abc techniques for finding & releasing our core habits with Gene Monterastelli, and the Heart of EFT, with Jondi. Wow! What a weekend! Surely you'll all join us next year? : ) Sign up on website to make sure you receive all the emails and of course our famous recordings! ********
Our annual energy practitioner event, the community-building, learning, support & rejuvenation experience, is almost here. Each year, an amazing amount of wisdom and experience comes your way, to build a community of healing practitioners in energy work. The presenters that come to the gathering freely offer this weekend of knowledge and sharing as their pay-it-forward gift to you, so that you might be uplifted, supported and enriched in your own lives and unique services to the world. As we are given this gift, we pass it on, too. Inviting others to share this transforming weekend with us is an easy way to do it. And if you’ve been with us before, you are uniquely qualified to tell them how it feels, what’s in it for them, and what it’s meant to you that keeps you coming back. Don’t forget clients, too, especially those you’ve only known by SKYPE – it’s a real treat to meet someone you appreciate in person! Likewise, folks we’ve ‘known forever’ are so much fun to finally meet, face-to-face, which another great feature of our Spring gathering. Here’s our RSVP link; if you haven’t reserved your space yet, please do so quickly, as there is a limited number we can accommodate; once on the site, scroll down to the blue banner box called Make a Reservation. Use our code, 10T7PN. We're all really excited to see one another again, and new faces and friends in the making, too! Come, receive, get support and inspiration. BUILD THIS COMMUNITY WITH US! - Jondi Whitis & the TapFest Team Need more information? Go to *********
Join the tappers in the NW United States on March 14th for their big annual event, then travel to the NE for the Spring Energy Event. all these tappers are coming to make your life even more abundant and powerful!
March 14th, join Alina Frank and Craig Weiner as they host the NW Tappers Gathering. EFT founder Gary Craig and special guest speakers on everything from tapping to spiritual alchemy - it's all for you!
All the information is here on this link: NW Tappers
April 17th, join Jondi Whitis and the tappers of the NE in the NY Catskill area, as they celebrate their annual tapping community celebration, The Spring Energy Event. You are guaranteed to love the events and presentations arranged for you, including a relaxing Friday slate of warm-up events to amuse, de-stress and surprise you!
All the information is here; rsvp to hold your space!
Please don't miss these opportunities to join in community, grow in skills and knowledge, and commune with like-minded healers and change agents! We'll see you there!
Did you miss the Gathering in York? We had a completely awesome time, and the Brits were invaded by a few Yanks, this year! We even had time to investigate the beautiful city of York, hear the bells of the Minster cathedral peal in jubilation for its first woman bishop, and your TapFest host, Jondi Whitis, managed to squeal in a personal tour of the entire Yorkshire Dales! What a splendid week! The recordings are now available, if you missed the event, right here.
Join me, in person, Jan. 23-26, at the Royal York Hotel for the original EFT Gathering! Fabulous weekend of terrific presenters, bonding, learning, uplifting and networking. I can't wait to meet you! A few spaces left, if you hurry: The TappingStar (TapFest's sister site, for tapping with children) turnkey kit for tapping in schools is finally here. We think you'll love it! Stay tuned for the Summer launch date and radio show with cofounder Sue Tarlton. Can't wait to share this with you!
IT ROCKED!!! The 2014 Spring Energy Event annual gathering totally rocked, and was even better than the last! And we've set the date for Spring Energy Event, 2015!! Mark your calendars now for April 17-19, 2015, and commit to telling and bringing at least one friend or colleague. They are going to be so happy you did! Last year's theme was on RECEIVING; this year it's EXPANDING. Stay tuned for more information on the great programs and speakers and workshops we're lining up for you, in 2015.
The Gathering in the USA, which we call Spring Energy Event, offers the chance to meet, learn from, be supported by and spend quality time with many masters and experts, sharing our successes, our doubts, our thirst for knowledge and admiration for the wisdom of those who've travelled this road in healing and personal development history. And the icing on the cake was EFT founder Gary Craig spending the evening with us by SKYPE, tapping, talking, answering every question posed, then giving us a sneak peak into his newest 'level in the high-rise,' Optimal EFT. EFT Masters, experts, authors, teachers and trainers shared innovations and surprises for all; you can hear most of these on recordings that will come monthly from TapFest and the Spring Energy Event websites, so stay tuned. You'll hear from innovator Linda Wood, wisdom and experience of EFT Masters Gwyneth Moss and Ann Adams, the resonance of Dr. Henry Grayson, practical wisdom from Gene Monterastelli, Jondi Whitis, Jade Barbee, and Russell Cunningham. A glimpse into the Divine with Ted Robinson and Kristen Ferraro, a glimpse into yourself and your unique design with Deborah Donndelinger and walk the Dual Path with Monique Ilona. If you're already signed up for Spring Energy Event mail ins, you'll soon receive these recordings from 2014, and so much more, coming soon to an email mailbox near you! Make sure you're signed up: ******************************************************************************** Did you join us for the fabulous FEAST OF FORGIVENESS?We''re talking about the kind of feasting we do for the soul and the heart. Beginning with Thanksgiving and Chanukkah, we celebrated with gratitude, for enduring tough times. Somewhere along the line, though, we came to a culture of focusing on the outer expressions of these holidays more than the inner ones. Which is why TapFest brought you The Feast of Forgiveness. If you couldn't join us for our intimate event in Brooklyn, we'll be creating an opportunity for you to do so online, in our usual home, EFT Radio Find out how you can feed the heart and soul, with the Feast of Forgiveness. ########################################################### JOINING FORCES FOR THE PHILIPPINES Tap Recovery for the Philippines Everyday at High Noon is the TapFest way to aid those in distress across the globe. The devastation from the typhoon and near total destruction of many areas are preventing the rapid delivery of aid, food and supplies. Please join us in surrogate tapping for speedy relief and reconstruction efforts, and for the highest and best good for their people, and all who have rushed to serve them. Thank you! (And there are many great places to donate, including (This news photo from the NY Times, Philippe Lopez, photographer)
***** THE GATHERING - A Success of Community Building The Spring Energy Event in May, 2012 brought together 100 practitioners and energists to build support and community. It was a smashing success, and this year we'll be meeting again, even bigger and better! Stay tuned for details.
CREATE GLOBAL HEALING PROJECT LIGHT: RWANDA Returns RADIO SHOW EXPLAINS IT ALL! TapFest member Dr. Lori Leyden returns to Rwanda next week, and with it, our chance to hear the profound changes she's seen since Project Light began. It's sparked other movements, too, and TapFest has an opportunity to carry that global mission further. Listen to it all on Tapfest, at EFT Radio, on the player link below picture! |
Lori Leyden of Project Light
August 9th, we're back on-air, and visiting Project Light, an inspiring and empowering movement by Create Global Healing's Lori Leyden. A story of deep inquiry and how individual healing and transformation can lead to transformation throughout the world, it answers the question of what is possible when we open our herts to possibility, collaboration and love. Hope you're with us tonight to hear Lori speak, as well as pass along the recording to those who are ready to be inspired, themselves. Just one more way TapFest reaches out to a world in need, in conscious, global community.
We've long followed Lori's Rwandan project; Our TapFest friend Eric Huurre introduced us to her work long ago, and provided her with advice, support and filming. Find out what's happened since, and how you can be a part of not only the Rwandan initiative, but her broader global, Create Global Healing. You can be a part of it all!
TapFest Friends, I'm asking you to remember those affected by Hurricane Isaac, especially those still recovering 4 years later, in Haiti. Would you consider adding them to your High Noon tap list? Why not grab a new friend from the Members list and tap together? : ) Thanks, from TapFest
TAPFEST TRADITION - Tap for Colorado & Oklahoma
In the finest TapFest tradition, we ask our worldwide membership to please keep in mind, and tap for, the raging forest fires in the USA, and all those affected by it. We've established a method of global, surrogate tapping that allows each person, wherever they are, to add to the rolling wave of energy by tapping at 12 noon, THEIR time, wherever in the world you find yourself. This way, every hour on the hour, someone, somewhere is tapping for this situation.
Although we're not forest rangers or firefighters, and have no way to know exactly what to tap for, we suggest that you tap for the entire situation, everyone involved, and everyone's best and highest good. Remember, it's perfectly alright to 'not know what to tap for'! Cheers to all of you tappers who place your energy in service of positive change, all over the world!
In spirit, I'll see you at High Noon, all over the world!
Jondi Whitis, coFounder, TapFest
(And email me on my Member Page if you'd like to join me in a group tap on my conference call line. )
Origins of Trauma...Fascinating...Dr. Robert Scaer
Dr. Robert Scaer joined Tapfest for a live interview on April 5th.
(The archived audio is on our audios section.) You'll want to hear what this renowned neurologist and traumatologist has to say about his findings over a lifetime of work and investigation. Learn how trauma occurs, what all traumas share, and how we can be release it.
Staggering new information, which will be in his new book this Summer, are shared with Tapfest in this recorded interview.
For more information, you might want to check out his two, seminal books, THE BODY BEARS THE BURDEN and THE TRAUMA SPECTRUM. His new book will be on Amazon as well as his site,
TapFest is proud to bring you the world's most interesting innovators, authors and practitioners. Join us each month for a new installment. You can see a list of all our shows on or Just type in 'TapFest'!
Why Keep Creating a World We Don't Want?! Tapfest hosted a live conversation with Frances Moore Lappe on Thursday, March 8th, at 8pm EST. You can download the archived interview from our audios section. Author of seminal books like Diet for a Small Planet, Hopes' Edge and You Have the Power, she brings her latest, EcoMind, to TapFest!
Frances will share 7 ways to change your mind, and the planet with it, as she re-traces her latest global adventures for us. Don't miss this opportunity to find out how restoring democracy is crucial to restoring both ourselves and our planet.
It's NOT too late, it's high time. Join us live on March 8th, bring your comments and questions to the ChatRoom and pass along the archived recording later to any friends who couldn't make it. Don't miss this opportunity to share the air with a global treasure, Frances Moore Lappe.
Those of you who are still on the line will get to tap with TapFest coFounder Jondi Whitis, to integrate and celebrate this new mindset for the next milennium, and beyond. You ARE incredibly powerful.
We'll see you on Thursday! Link is here:
"Do Not Think Bad Thoughts, for They Pollute the Earth"
That quote is from indigenous Grandmother Margaret's 8 year-old granddaughter. Grandmother Margaret was our special guest for TapFest's 4th Birthday show on January 20th! What a simple but powerful inspiration with which to begin the year 2012.
Another great quote from the show was this: "Gratitude Brings Freedom"...freedom from want, from ego, lack or resistance to what is so. Check out all the history and wisdom behind the circle of grandmothers and how their global mission began, and in some ways, mirrors our own here at TapFest. Here's a picture of Grandmother Margaret.
You can hear her talk about our disconnection and the grandmothers' plans for bringing wholeness to the Earth, right here:
TAKING IT TO THE STREETS....THURSDAY, Dec. 1, 8pm EST....FIND OUT WHAT EFT IS UP TO IN THE WORLD, when we broadcast our TapFest radio show, EFT: Taking It to the Streets, on EFT Radio Online. You'll find out the dynamic and impressive ways that EFT is at work in the world, providing trauma relief. Filmmaker Eric Huurre and TapFest radio host Jondi Whitis take you on a whirlwind ride of passionate purpose as we see EFT rolling out into a world in need.
There's hope and inspiration everywhere you look, and we'll take you on a brief discussion tour of a whole city that's decided to teach its entire population how to do EFT. And even better, the plan calls for this to be a model to offer to any city in the world. Don't miss this opportunity to hear how your work in EFT and that of your fellow practitioners is stretching around the world. The wave of change is building, and YOU are all a part of it!
We’ve invited an extraordinary group of EFT Practitioners; Carol Look, Gwyneth Moss, CJ Puotinen, David Kanosh and a few guest surprises to come together and contribute their voices to this special event. Join Jondi Whitis, Lillian Fimbres and Sue Tarlton from
Sunday, September 11th at 9:00am Pacific
Call in with questions or comments during the live show or listen to the recorded archive with the audio player below.
Join the discussion during the live show on the EFT Radio Facebook
Listen to the live show and replay with the audio player below:
Phone number to call:
Webcast Player:
Replays will be available!
* * * * * * * * * *
THIS YEAR, GO DIGITAL…A UNITY QUILT, An Unstoppable Wave of Energy
Global TapFest
Dear TapFest Members,Thanks to all our members, both old and new, that made TapFest possible since 2008. Join over 800 people around the globe, tapping for positive change in the world.Here's how: Go to and upload your video by choosing VIDEOS at the tops of the screen, then the + ADD button. You may send more than one video; we encourage you to also record it in another language, too! As we receive them, we’ll put them into rotation on the TapFest site and on You Tube’s TapFest Channel (TapFestVideos) so that your message will be seen by your EFT and MTT friends across the globe as a message straight from the heart.
Invite the world to celebrate your accomplishments and goals with you! Make sure you clearly tell your name, your country, and your wishes, ideas, celebrations or accomplishments you'd like to share for the video Unity Quilt.More you can do to connect with the world:
- Make at least 2 more friends within the TapFest membership
- Start or leave comments for discussions on the Forum page
- Invite other TapFest members to view your video on TapFest, You Tube, Twitter and your own blogs or websites
- Invite someone new to join TapFest so they can be a part of this global unity, too!
Connecting to one another with messages of hope and unity gives us all the strength, courage and support to continue carrying out our work, providing hope and healing to a world in need.
Don't forget to update your TapFest member page with your new video, and check to see that all of your current workshops, groups, interests and products are up-to-date. This is a wonderful, free way to let the TapFest global community and internet public know about you and your work. You may also choose to hold a live event or tapping circle, join with another practitioner across the globe for a joint event, or host a seminar in your area. Simply add these events to the EVENTS page. We want to help you spread the world, throughout the world!
All site visitors will be able to see the link to events and practitioners in their area. Members receive all-access availability to the Forum, Resources, Event Announcement service, and News.Hope through Unity crosses all geographic boundaries. Join the wave of like-minded energy healers across the world, on TapFest 2011. Spread the word, we’ll see you on TapFest!
Lillian Fimbres, Sue Tarlton, & Jondi Whitis
CoFounders, TapFest
Got an idea for a show or want to be a guest you'd like to hear or talk to? Contact us. We'd love to hear from you. The TapFest Radio show, as part of EFT Radio Online on, offers great opportunities to encounter the most innovative ideas and inspiring EFT practitioners of the world, in action. Please spread the word, as YOUR contribution to teaching EFT to a world in need. We hope to hear you there! Peace. The TapFest Pool (Lillian, Sue, Jondi)
To EFT TapFest Members –
Greetings! We held our 3rd anniversary celebration on January 20th!! We are going to be adding to our Digital Unity Quilt throughout the year, so, quick, grab your camera, make your videos, send 'em, we'll post 'em, and let's start a whole new year of positive change, together.
Want instructions on how to do a video and how to send it in? Go to Lillian Fimbres's “Tapscoop” radio show archive. Play with us! If you are a member, we encourage you to use TapFest as your playground. We like trying out new techniques and learning new skills! Need a buddy to support you in learning? Find a member on our site, make new friends and pool your knowledge. Or, use a current colleague!
We celebrate and encourage your hopes and dreams and actions for a world more powerful, peaceful and meaningful.
For additional support and the 'how tos' of setting and holding to your vision, we have audio recordings of our 2010 sessions on this site. Scroll down this column to the "audio" topic. For worksheets, click on the Resources tab at the top of the page. Resources, links, and forums are all available on this site for your reference and inspiration. PLEASE reach out to another tapper in another part of the world, and connect!
Also, we are now on Blog Talk Radio (listen to shows at with the EFT Radio Online (follow the blog at Visit us there for most recent and ongoing shows.
We look forward to tapping with you!
The EFT TapFest Practitioners Pool: Lillian Fimbres, Sue Hubbard Tarlton, Jondi Whitis (,,
YOU ARE INVITED TO POST TAPPING EVENTS AT ALL TIMES ON TAPFEST.COM; WE ARE A GLOBAL TAPPING COMMUNITY AND ENCOURAGE YOU TO INVITE THE WORLD TO PARTICIPATE WITH YOU. This is an independent movement created by independent EFT practitioners, united only in their desire to do something positive for the world. Accordingly, this site and its events are not sponsored in any way by Gary Craig's organization, nor do they speak for him. (EFT is a trademark of that organization.) Practitioners and events naturally will vary, and therefore the Practitioners Pool is not responsible in any way for events, individuals or information presented on this site. Please note that EFT is not put forward as a replacement for proper medical advice and physicians should be consulted where appropriate.
Thank you to all who tap each day at noon, for our global brothers and sisters. On top of our list right now:
Please hold space and tapping energy for those who continue to suffer in Syria, those rebPalestine and Jerusalem, the troubles in West Africa, the nuclear aftermath that continues in Japan, the slow rebuilding in the Phillipines, conflicts and refugee situations across the world.
There's never a lack of things to tap for! Worldwide conflicts affect us all, and displace millions. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and drought also abound, so keep them in your thoughts as well, please.
When we practice tapping with our global brothers and sisters, we ARE ONE. Let's SHIFT, together, with one another on behalf of those who cannot - for whatever reason. Thank you! You may simply want to tap for their grief, healing, and also for the chance to bring peace to themselves and others. Here in the states, we continue to ask you to tap with us, using our recent bombing and shooting tragedies in this country, in support of non-violent solutions and better mental healthcare! In times like these, we offer prayers, surrogate tapping and advocacy, using our power to change what is within our power to change -ourselves and one another.
Please post onto the Forum section your comments, requests and results. With deep gratitude,
Everyday, at noon, wherever you are, please tap for someone else in the world. Imagine, over 800 of us, tapping wherever we are, each day! Imagine.... If you need help with how, or what to say, check out the resources files, above.
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